Friday, July 31, 2009


1. Use Repetition - Repeating to yourself the thing you want to remember may be simple, but it really does work. Repeat a phone number several times, for example, and you should remember it for a short while. This works even better if you "sing" it in your mind to engage other parts of the brain. To remember things long-term, repeat or review them several times upon learning them, then the next day, the day after that, the the next week and the week after that. 2. Write It Down - Let the paper remember for you. The point is to have use of the information later, and if that's more easily done by way of an "external memory device" like pen and paper, why not take advantage of these tools? Also, writing things down is another way to more strongly "fix" something in our minds. 3. Clear Your Mind - Sometimes to recall something you just need to relax and empty your mind of all the other stuff going on in there. Take three deep and slow breaths through your nose and relax your muscles. Pay attention to the air moving in and out of your nostrils. Afterwards return to whatever it is you need to recall or work on. 4. Feed Your Brain - This means feeding your body of course. Your brain needs a lot of energy, and will generally function better if you eat some good proteins and complex carbohydrates. Trail mix, with nuts and dried fruit works well for some. Fish has been shown to immediately speed up brain function, as well as improve memory and other brain functions long-term improvement if eaten regularly. Also, the distraction caused by hunger can interfere with your concentration and ability to recall things. 5. Drink Enough Fluids - Dehydration is not always recognized, and can both distract you in ways that get in the way of clear thinking and memory, as well as more directly impacting the functioning of the brain. You can experiment to see if this is happening in your case. Just drink a glass of water and note whether your mind seems to work better. 6. Exercise - Physical exercise has been shown to improve brain function both immediately (after ten minutes on a treadmill, for example), and long term. The short-term effect is because of the immediate increase in blood flow and therefore oxygen to the brain. The long-term improvement in memory and other brain functions that come from regular exercise may also be due to the physical improvement of the brain and body that comes from this repeated increase in blood flow and oxygen. 7. Learn A Mnemonic Technique - There are many good memory techniques for remembering names, numbers, lists of things and more. A simple list of items can be "fixed" in your memory, for example, by linking them together in a crazy story that you visualize. You can find some of these techniques (as well as other memory tips) covered here on the website and in the Brainpower Newsletter. 8. Imagine The Use - If you think about how you will use information, you're more likely to remember it. For example if after learning a new algorithm in a math class you imagine using it during a test, you'll probably remember it better - particularly when taking a test. Imagine meeting someone again in the future and using his name, and you'll likely recall it when that does happen. 9. Avoid Toxins - Smoking is the obvious one here. Although it may actually help a person concentrate in the short-term, the damage smoking does may later hurt brain function in general, including memory. Many prescription drugs and of course illegal drugs can also have a negative effect. 10. Reduce Stress - When you're stressed, your body releases cortisol, which at high levels interferes with the part of the brain that handles recent memories. Chronic stress has even been shown to cause brain shrinkage. Meditate or do other self-work to learn how not to be stressed out. This may be the most important of these tips on how to improve memory, good not only for the brain but for your whole body and life experience.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How To Be Intilligent

Improve your memory. Much of what is generally considered intelligence is simply the ability to remember things well. You can improve your ability to retain and recall memories in a variety of ways, including by using mnemonics and by paying more attention to details. Study more effectively. If you find yourself at a loss when your teacher puts you on the spot, or if you perform poorly on exams, you may not be studying enough. Even if you study a lot, improving your study skills can make a big difference. A variety of wikiHows offer tips to help you. Read a lot. Just about everything that humans know can be found in print, whether in books and magazines or on the internet. Become a voracious reader, and you’ll expose yourself to more ideas and information. If you’re a slow reader, consider learning speed reading. Consider jotting down notes, and perhaps looking up a word or two in the dictionary. Visit the library frequently and pick up anything which looks interesting to you. The subject matter is not quite as important as is the act of reading. Always have at hand something good to read. Be more curious. How do some people get to know so much? Good memory skills are only part of the answer: you also have to be curious. If you’re satisfied going through life with little or no understanding of things you’re unfamiliar with, you won’t learn much. Make a conscious effort to be more curious by reminding yourself that developing your curiosity will broaden your horizons and help to make you more intelligent. Research. Curiosity without initiative is like having a car that’s out of gas — it won’t take you anywhere. Fortunately, when it comes to knowledge you’re never far from a gas station. If you read a word that you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary. If you wonder how airplanes fly, read a book. If you want to know more about politics, pick up a newspaper. With internet access now widespread, there’s less excuse for not finding something out that you want to know. Learn how to look things up. If you know how to use references, from an internet search engine to an encyclopedia, you’ll be able to find the information you want more quickly and effectively. Effective researching skills will nourish your curiosity because you’ll become more confident in your ability to access knowledge. If your research skills leave something to be desired, take a class or workshop on how to research, ask a librarian or teacher, or simply practice researching. Or just press the "help" tabs on the internet and computer programs and read. Figure things out on your own. There’s a lot more to intelligence than “book smarts.” We can all learn to perform everyday tasks at work, home, and school better and more intelligently. If you don’t know how to do something, resist the urge to ask somebody else to do it for you or show you how. In most cases, you’ll be able to figure it out on your own, either by trial-and-error or by researching. While it usually takes longer to figure something out than it does to ask about it, you’ll learn more about the overall process, and you’ll remember it better. Most importantly, you’ll exercise your problem-solving skills instead of your “do as you’re told” skills. Ask for help. It’s great to figure things out on your own, but sometimes you don’t have enough time to do so, despite your best efforts. Don’t give up; ask somebody to show you how. Make sure to pay close attention and ask any questions that you have, so that you’ll never have to ask the same thing again. Exercise your mind in different ways. Most of us are good at the things we excel in naturally or the activities we do everyday. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill or to think in a different way, however, and you’ll actually become more intelligent. Choose something you’d like to learn to do (play the accordion, for example) or a subject you don’t do well in (maybe math) and focus on that thing. Initially, you may be uncomfortable and feel even less intelligent than you did before, but if you study or practice diligently, you’ll become more confident, and you’ll make new connections in your mind. Teach others. In order to teach something to somebody else, you’ve got to know it pretty well. When you try to explain an idea or skill to somebody else, you’ll not only remember it better yourself, you’ll also find that the other person’s questions will help you find out how well you really know what you’re talking about. Learn a new word each day. Go through the dictionary and find a word that you don't know already, then practice using it throughout the day. Do your homework if you're in school! Don't procrastinate, finish it last minute, or copy someone's paper. The homework is there for practice, and when you do it, you'll become more confident in that subject. But remember, homework time is not the same as study time, so you can't count homework as studying.

How To Be Intilligent 2

Look up a few current events every day. All you have to do is after checking your e-mails and such, go to a news website such as CNN and read a little bit of whats going on that interests you. After knowing what's going on in the world, tell a friend about something interesting you heard and include some facts in it as well. Before going to bed, read one page of something you find interesting in an encyclopedia. For example, if you like video games, find out a little bit more about how they are made and who the people are that make them. Say you are sitting down on a relaxing Sunday morning while your dad is making pancakes, you might skim through the newspaper and see what's going on... Play logic puzzles such as Sudoku or crosswords. I know if you're not a fan of these it can be hard, but 1 Sudoku puzzle a day would be perfect. Any time you have a question about something, research it. Many times things that you want to know, others want to know as well. So be the one to do the research, and you will be considered intelligent. Tips Don't try too hard, start with learning the background of what interests you. Increase your vocabulary! Although this might sound like a hassle, 2 new words a day will surprisingly help you a lot! If you have a Nintendo DS, buy an educational game such as Brain Age or Big Brain Academy to keep your mind working. Warnings Remember, do not turn away from intellectual interests in order to be more popular. Intelligence is much important than popularity, especially in the long run.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The band started as a solo project of Nick Jonas.At the age of 7, Nicholas began performing on Broadway. He has acted in several plays, including A Christmas Carol (in 2000 as Tiny Tim and as Scrooge at eight), Annie Get Your Gun (in 2001 as Little Jake), Beauty and the Beast (in 2002 as Chip), and Les Misérables (in 2003 as Gavroche).After Les Misérables closed, he performed in The Sound of Music (as Kurt) at the Paper Mill Playhouse. In 2002 while performing in Beauty and the Beast, Nick had written a song with his father called "Joy to the World (A Christmas Prayer)". With background vocals from the Beauty and the Beast cast, Nick performed the song on the 2002 annual Broadway "Equity Fights AIDS" album, Broadway's Greatest Gifts: Carols for a Cure, Vol. 4. In November 2003, INO Records received a demo copy of "Joy to the World (A Christmas Prayer)". The label released the song to Christian radio, where it quickly became popular on Record & Radio's Christian Adult Contemporary Chart.While Nick was working on his solo project, Joe followed in his footsteps to Broadway, appearing in Baz Lurhmann's production of La bohème. According to Nick, this was also the first year the brothers started writing songs together. By September 2004, an executive at Columbia Records found out about Nick's song.Nick was soon jointly signed to INO Records and Columbia Records and released the single "Dear God". A second single, a new solo recording of "Joy to the World (A Christmas Prayer)", was released on November 16.It was supposed to be followed by a December release of a self-titled solo album Nicholas Jonas, but the album had been pushed back;[21] it did, however, get a limited release. Nick, along with his brothers, Kevin and Joe, had written several other songs for the album. In early 2005, Columbia Records' new president, Steve Greenberg, listened to Nick's record. While Greenberg did not like the album, he did like Nick's voice. After meeting with Nick and hearing the song "Please Be Mine", written and performed by the brothers, Daylight/Columbia Records decided to sign the three as a group act.

How to Become Famous

Step 1 Find and hone your talent. Famous actors, writers, physicists and explorers all discovered their passion and spent time developing it. Send an audition tape to a reality show. Post your talents online at popular websites like You Tube and Myspace. Step 2 Produce groundbreaking advances in your field. Attract attention by exceeding expectations of judges in your area of expertise. If you have natural talent in your chosen field, continue to further your knowledge. Take classes and apply to the most respected and prestigious programs. Step 3 Break the record of the person who is the highest record holder in your arena. Conquer something previously thought unconquerable—mountains and long-distance flights. Set a goal and overcome it. Succeed and there's a good chance to be remembered by historians or "Guinness Book of World Records" for years. Step 4 Do something completely outside the norm. Give up a six-figure job to volunteer in the Andes or devote yourself to living the life of a character you are playing in a film. Massive shifts in behavior or lifestyle garner attention. Take calculated risks. Step 5 Position yourself to be noticed. Move to a big city and gain more opportunities to tap into the national market. Obtain as much information about your industry and apply it. Dare to audition for the role, if you are an actor, or offer television producers your services as an expert panelist for a call-in news program. Step 6 Work it. Wherever you go, act like someone who should be noticed. Even if you aren't famous yet, people notice confidence. Use that small amount of notoriety to take your fame to the next level.

How to Be Popular in School

Consider that you may already be popular. Nobody--not even very popular people, like movie stars--is popular with everybody! Everybody has their favorites. Just because somebody doesn't like you, it doesn't mean you have to like them at all. Plan (maybe) to be popular--here's how to do it. Look around at everybody in your life and you may find you are already popular. Are you popular in your art class but not in phys ed? Are you popular with grown ups? If you find you are already popular with people who like you and people you like, perhaps you don't have to worry about being popular so much. Join a team. That's where you meet so many different people, and they'll probably like you a lot more. You would get to build basic teamwork with others, which will make them a lot more comfortable around you. Just try and be a good friend (even if certain people are "impossible"). Be happy. If you are unhappy with your appearance, it is always possible to change small things to make yourself feel better without investing a lot of money. Get a haircut if you hate your hair. Make changes carefully and make sure they are for you, not for other people. Don't take the advice of television on how to be popular, rather look and listen in real life! Try to exchange emails or cellphone numbers. This way, you can talk online making it easier to establish friendships. Be friendly. Many people are afraid of the same things you are, even the most confident people are afraid of some things inside, although they will never let it out. Being friendly to everybody shows that you are happy with yourself, and being happy with yourself is the fastest way to become popular. Tell people what you like about them. Everyone likes to be around someone who makes them feel good. If you're shy, just start a conversation by saying, "Oh, hey Megan, I like your bracelet!" Once you get going, say something about yourself to show that you can poke fun at yourself like, "I don't know how you could walk up in front of the whole assembly like that. I can hardly walk upstairs without falling back down!" Smile politely, and listen to what others have to say. Don't judge. Although it seems like the most popular people judge others all the time, popularity starts with acceptance and being interested in other people, not just in how they dress or who they hang out with. Don't be afraid to hang out with nerds, or anyone 'lower' than you. People will respect you and know you're a nice person. Get a hobby if you do not already have one. People who do things instead of worrying about popularity all the time are more interesting, and you will find people coming to you if you have a hobby to talk about. Do your best in school. Just answer questions if you know them, and don't if you don't know them! Don't be a know-it-all. Have your homework done every day. Don't be the one who has to just sit there looking like a fool or who holds up class with lame explanations. Be nice. No one wants to be friends with someone who is mean or ugly on the inside. Do something nobody else would ever think of doing. If your school has a talent show then do something so out of the ordinary that your peers will admire you for having the guts to do that on stage. Just remember that being different doesn't mean being inappropriate. You don't want to make a fool out of yourself and lose the respect of others. Remember, the easiest way to be popular is to stop caring. If you stop worrying about whether or not your popular, you will look way more laid back and cool. Don't be a meanie. That can really ruin your reputation if you let this go to your head. A lot a people will like you if you are nice. Being nice can get you to be popular too. Just help people out, and they will start liking you. Worshiping the popular people will take you no where in life. Don't wait on them hands and feet all the time. Give them some slack. Get to know people. You may like the same stuff they do. Don't be a snob because those people are not popular, they are bullies. Try to be nice to everyone. Wear some makeup but don't wear too much! No boy wants to see a girl with too much makeup on! Also, wear some earrings or bracelets. It is not necessary to wear the real ones. You can wear some fake ones but make sure they don't look too fake and nasty. No one wants to be seen much with them, so don't overdo it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Making Weight Loss Easy

If you are overweight, you are taking in more calories than your body needs every day, so you need to eat less. You probably already know that, and you already know that eating less just isn’t any fun —- you don't want to feel hungry all day. So you do you stay full without eating too many calories? The key is to eat plenty of fiber with every meal, but most people don’t do that. Fiber keeps you feeling full longer, and of course, fiber is also really important for a healthy digestive system. Where do you get dietary fiber? From whole grains and from fruits and vegetables. Aim for 3 servings of 100% whole grains and 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. Here is my advice for easier weight loss. Starting with your next meal, eat more fiber. Is it breakfast? Choose a cup of a whole grain cereal with half a cup of non-fat milk topped with a half cup of strawberries. Lunch time? Make a sandwich with 100% whole grain bread, one small slice of turkey and plenty of tomato slices, avocados, sprouts, lettuce and mustard instead of high-calorie mayo. And no potato chips. Serve your sandwich with a small salad. For dinner, cut that big steak in half (that's all you need) and serve it with two cups of your favorite green vegetables. Still hungry? Eat more of the vegetables, not the steak. What about dessert? Have a bowl of fresh berries with a dollop of light whipped topping. More Easy Weight Loss Tips Watch the sugary beverages. Instead, drink water, non-fat milk and zero-calorie beverages. Slow down -- when you eat too fast you will eat too much. Choose broth-based soups, such as chicken broth, with lots of vegetables over cream soups. When you go out to eat, take half of your meal home. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter instead of a jar of cookies. Don't skip meals -- you will just get too hungry and eat too much at the next meal. Add one cup of chopped vegetables to your favorite soup or pasta meal. Don't keep high-calorie snacks in the house -- buy fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat yogurt, and enjoy air-popped or light popcorn. Keep track of calories -- join Calorie Count. source us deparnment of health

Saturday, July 25, 2009


1 teaspoon almond extract 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 7 tablespoons butter 1/3 cup whole milk 1 (12-ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips 1 teaspoon vanilla Preparation:Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 13x9" pan with nonstick baking spray containing flour and set aside. In large bowl, combine cake mix, cherry pie filling, extract, and eggs. Beat until well mixed, then beat 1 minute at medium speed. Pour into prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25-30 minutes or until cake is set. While cake is in the oven, combine sugar, butter, and milk in large saucepan. Bring to a boil, then boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips and vanilla. Stir with a wire whisk until the chips are melted and frosting is smooth. Pour over warm cake and spread to cover. Let cool on wire rack before serving. 16 servings

Friday, July 24, 2009




There are 100 to tell u cannot do it There are 100 to point out u The danger that wait to assail u But just tackle in with a bit Just take off your coat and go for it Just start to sing as u tackle the thing That cannot be done u can do

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How to Look Good for Teenage Guys in the Morning

Step 1 Keep your hair looking good. Wash, dry and style it before you go to school. Keep it clean and check on your hair a few times a day in the girls bathroom. Take a good brush with you to school and keep it in your bag so you can always fix your hair. Step 2 Dress nicely. Wear nice clothes that suit your figure and colors that suit your skin tone. Find a middle ground and accessorize. Wear a great hair clip, pretty earrings and a dainty necklace or bracelet that coordinates with your outfit. Step 3 Brush and floss your teeth. Make sure you don't have any of your breakfast left over in your teeth when you smile, which is such a turnoff. Also, make sure your entire appearance is well groomed. Step 4 Wear a little makeup. Teenage boys like girls who have more of a natural look. Too much makeup might make you look false and trashy. Rub a little blush into your cheeks for extra glow in the morning or wear subtle lip gloss to highlight your smile. Step 5 Wear nice shoes. Girls think that teenage boys don't notice the shoes they wear, but they do. Avoid wearing scraggly old shoes that are stained and ripped. Find some cute black shoes as they are more unnoticeable than bright shoes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


A total solar eclipse is seen from an aircraft over Patna, India, Wednesday, July 22, 2009. The longest solar eclipse of the 21st century pitched a swath of Asia into near-darkness after dawn, as millions watched the once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon Wednesday
2009 Total Solar Eclipse: The Longest of the 21st CenturyOn Wed., July 22, 2009, a total eclipse of the sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the eclipse begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma) and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean. This is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur during the 21st century, and will not be surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds.


Step 1 Be yourself around the boy you're trying to impress. This may sound like unhelpful advice, but the worst thing you can ever do is pretend to be something you're not. People will see right through you. So lighten up, enjoy yourself and have fun. Remember to laugh. Step 2 Find out what his interests are. This doesn't mean you need to pretend to be interested in the same things (unless you actually are), but it will give you a way to start conversations with him. Maybe you can even poke fun at him about something you learn; playful teasing is flirty and fun. Step 3 Dress appropriately. Often girls think the best way to lure a boy is by showing way too much skin, but dressing scantily could backfire. You never want to be (or seem) desperate for attention, and wearing inappropriate, or too little, clothing is a sure fire way to get the wrong kind of looks. Wear cute, age-appropriate clothing that leaves something to the imagination. Step 4 Lend an ear to him. Everyone needs a good listener in his life. If you like this boy, you don't want to nervously talk his ear off. Listen to him and be a good friend. Being relaxed and fun is intriguing, and if you're confident that you're fun to be around, the boy you want to impress will feel that. It won't take long for him to go from "boy to impress" to "definitely impressed."

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Ants - Did you know… In Peru, one researcher reported seeing 43 species of ants on a SINGLE TREE.1 Some researchers believe that 30% of the animal biomass of the Amazon Basin is made up of ants. A single ant colony can include over 5-million busy members - soliders and workers (undeveloped females; never have wings; cannot mate), males (can mate with the queen), and the queen. Her majesty is one busy bug, laying up to 100-million eggs a day! She only needs to mate once in her lifetime to be able to produce at least 15 years of eggs.2 Although she is called a “queen,” she is more of an egg factory than a leader. Somehow, the Creator has designed ants to be highly efficient and organized as a group without a leader. Honey ant “Argentine ants” keep herds of “cows” (plant lice). “Leaf-cutter ants” run 'farms,' raising their own food crops. The Mediterranean ant (aphaenogaster barbarus) makes “biscuits” from seeds. “Honey ants” store their food in living “storage tanks.” “Amazon ants” have slaves to help with the work.3 Ants have a communication “language,” and each colony member has a task, working together to keep the colony fed, safe and healthy. Even the Bible mentions the wonderful diligence of ants: "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest" (Proverbs 6:6-8). Ants carry on complex social organizations, building projects, and communications. Many groups of animals depend on leaders. Even herds of wild horses or packs of wolves require leaders. But ants are different. Thousands of years before there were entomologists to study ants, God revealed in the Bible that ants have no leaders. The individuals see the task before them that needs to be done, and they do it, without being told. What an amazing Creator we have! Somehow he managed to pack all these complexities into an extremely tiny body and an even tinier speck of a brain. Compare this task to trying to develop a self-powered, fully-independent robot as small as the tiniest ant - and with ALL the ants fantastic abilities. What an impossibly difficult job! What can an ant teach me about life? Answer --> There are thousands of species of ants. Ants from the time of the dinosaurs have been preserved in amber. They are identical to those living today. The fossil record shows that they have not evolved from other insects; ants have always been ants. (Learn more about Creation/Evolution) Ants love heat; so we find the greatest numbers in types in the tropics. They come in various colors - red, black, brown, red-and-black, or yellow. Some ants squirt a stinky fluid at their enemies. The most dangerous and agressive ants are “army ants” (they're blind), “driver ants” (from Africa), “fire ants” and the various stinging ants. Driver ants have reportedly killed a wounded elephant and stripped its bones clean. Masses of army ants are clever enough to cross rivers. “Leaf-cutter ants” are fascinating to watch as they cut and carry leaves far bigger than themselves from the tops of tall trees down to their “farms.” Print and color our Ants coloring page Butterflies & MothsMore amazing insects of the rain forest!


Wear Flattering Shoes-I'm always amazed when a short person wears flat soled shoes. I know many of you want to avoid being identified as wearing 'elevator shoes' - but you can wear shoes that enhance your height without it being obvious. Wear sandals or boots with higher heels will make you look taller, and also larger, bulkier shoes will give the illusion of being taller. Wear The Right Clothes -you can change your wardrobe to make yourself look much taller. It is amazing how many people don't realize what they are wearing actually makes them look shorter than they really are! Wear pinstripes, you'll look taller, and the vertical stripes slim your look as well. Avoid all-over patterns - wear solid colors, but contrast the look - wear light color pants with a dark shirt, for example. This technique will draws the eye to your waist, and make you look taller. Also, avoid 'high-water' pants! Wear you pants with the longest inseam you can get away with - avoid large flares at the cuff. You can really increase height by wearing the correct pant length. Your Hairstyle Is Important- keep you hair short and off the neck - it will make your neck seem longer. It will also give you a more substantial profile - too many short people wear long hair and 'disappear' within their locks. Long hair makes you look shorter. Attitude Is Everything! You can't change what mother nature gave (or did not) give you. I have several dogs - the smallest one is the most confident - he struts around the house like he 'owns' the place! The other dogs respect him and give him the right-of-way most all of the time! My little dog gave me a good lesson on attitude. Stand Up Straight! This is the basic rule most people, tall or short, break routinely. There is no way to permanently increase height by walking and sitting with good posture, making a habit of correct body positioning will make you look much taller. How many shorter people do you see that slump while sitting or standing? It seems some just want to disappear into the background! Keep your shoulders back, back straight, your chin, nose and eyebrows lifted high, and you will be amazed at the different way others will perceive you. Dress correctly, style your hair short and off the neck, practice good posture and watch your attitude - and you'll be taller in everyone's eyes - especially your own.! Disclaimer: This article is based on information freely available in the popular press and medical journals that deal with health. Nothing herein is intended to be or should be construed to be any sort of medical advice. For medical advice the reader should consult with his or her physician or other medical .

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him, and became like dead men. But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.” So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word.

Friday, July 17, 2009

MATTHEW 5:1,21

1 aAnd seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, 3 aBlessed are the bpoor in spirit: for theirs is the ckingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that amourn: for they shall be bcomforted. 5 Blessed are the ameek: for they shall inherit the bearth. 6 Blessed are they which do ahunger and thirst after brighteousness: for they shall be filled. 7 Blessed are the amerciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the apure in bheart: for they shall csee God. 9 Blessed are the apeacemakers: for they shall be called the bchildren of God. 10 Blessed are they which are apersecuted for brighteousness’ sake: for ctheirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall arevile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of bevil against you falsely, cfor my sake. 12 aRejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your breward in heaven: for so cpersecuted they the prophets which were before you. 13 ¶ Ye are the asalt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14 Ye are the alight of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a acandle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your alight so shine before men, that they may see your good bworks, and cglorify your Father which is in heaven. 17 ¶ Think not that I am come to adestroy the blaw, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the alaw, till all be bfulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall abreak one of these least commandments, band shall cteach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and dteach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say unto you, That except your arighteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the bscribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. 21 ¶ Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou ashalt not bkill; and whosoever shall kill shall be cin danger of the judgment:

Swine flu

Mexico को बाट संसारभरि फैलिएको एक महामारी स्वाइन फ्लूले विश्वमा नै सन्त्रास फैलाएको छ यो रोगबाट विश्ववमा अहिलेसम्म २६३ जनाको मृत्यु भैसकेको छ। नेपालसहित ११३ वटा देसहरूमा स्वाइन फ्लू प्रवेस गरिसकेको छ। यो रोग सुँगुरबाट मानिसमा र मानिसबाट मानिसमा सर्ने रोग हो। स‍बैलाई यो रोग लाग्न सक्छ। मानिसबाट मानिसमा सर्ने भएकोले यो महामारी रोगबाट बच्न गाह्रो पनि छ।
Mexico बाट देखापरेको स्वाइन फ्लू तीन सातापछि नेपालमा ४४ वर्षिय पुरुष, ३८ वर्षिय महिला र ८ वर्षिय बाललकबाट नेपालमा भित्रिएको छ। स्वाइन फ्लू संक्रमितहरू कुन फ्लाइटबाट नेपालमा आए र स्वाइन फ्लु लागेकाहरुको नाम भने स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले गोप्य राखेको छ। Mexico को बाट संसारभरि फैलिएको एक महामारी स्वाइन फ्लूले विश्वमा नै सन्त्रास फैलाएको छ यो रोगबाट विश्ववमा अहिलेसम्म २६३ जनाको मृत्यु भैसकेको छ। नेपालसहित ११३ वटा देसहरूमा स्वाइन फ्लू प्रवेस गरिसकेको छ। यो रोग सुँगुरबाट मानिसमा र मानिसबाट मानिसमा सर्ने रोग हो। यो रोग सबैमा लाग्न सक्छ। मानिसबाट मानिसमा सर्ने भएकोले यो महामारी रोगबाट बच्न गाह्रो पनि छ। स्वाइन फ्लू H1N1 भाइरसबाट हुने गर्दछ। यसको उपचार छैन। रोगलाग्नबाट भने बच्न सकिने डाक्टरहरुको सल्लाह छ। यसको लक्षणहरुः साधारण रूघा खोकी लाग्नु, घाँटी दुख्ना, वान्ता हुनु, सिंगान बग्ने, ह्याछ्यु बारम्बार आउने। ज्वरो १०४ डिग्रीको आउने। सर्ने माध्यमहरूः मानिसबाट मानिसमा सर्छ। जनावर पंक्षीबाट पनि मानिसमा सर्नसक्छ। ह्याछ्यू गर्दा, खोक्दा, संक्रमित व्यक्तिलाई छुँदा वा हात मिलाउँदा। १ मिटरको दुरीसम्म यो रोग सर्छ। रोगबाट बच्ने उपायहरूः पटक पटक साबुन पानीले हात धुने। आफ्नो प्रयोग गरेको रुमाललाई पनि पटक पटक धुने। अरुको रुमाल कपडा प्रयोग नगर्ने। खोक्दा मुख छोप्ने। मानिसको भिडभाडदेखि टाढा रहने। सँधै मास्कको प्रयोग गर्ने। नमस्कार जयमसी हात जोडेर सकभर नगर्ने। ज्वरो, रुघाखोकी लागेको छ भने तुरुन्त उपचार गर्न जाने। नेपालमा स्वाइन फ्लूको महामारीलाई रोक्नकोलागि ३४००० व्यक्तिहरुलाई उपचार गर्न पुग्ने सामानहरु सरकारले उपलब्ध गराएको छ। टेकु अस्पताल र टिचिङ अस्पतालमा स्वाइन फ्लू रोगको लागि उपचारको उचित व्यवस्था मिलाइदैछ। थप जानकारी Swine Flu को बारेमा दुर्जेय चेतनाबाट साभारः Swine Flu को प्रकोप अब अझ बढी खतरा हुँदै गएको छ। बिशेष प्रकारको भाईरसबाट हुने,रोग हो। यो रोगले अहिले संसारमा सन्त्रास मचाएको छ र चर्चाको विषय पनि भएको छ। बैज्ञानिक जगतमा यसको जटिल्ताले धेरै प्रश्नहरु खडा गरिदिएको छ। भाइरसको अर्थ हुन्छ toxin अर्थात poison तर सबै भाईरसहरु हानिकारक हुन्छ भन्ने चाँही गलत हो। भाईरस एक सुक्ष्म जिबाणु हो यसको आकार कुनै ब्याक्टेरिया भन्दा लगभग १०० गुना सानो हुन्छ। कुनैपनि भाईरस मुख्य रुपमा DNA वा RNA बाट बनेका जीनहरुले बनेको हुन्छ। जीननै कुनै पनि जिबित प्राणी वा बनस्पतीको लाखौं गुणहरुको संयुक्त केन्द्र हुने गर्छ। यो जीनलाई कहिले प्रोटिन त कहिले बोसोले बहिरबाट सुरक्षा प्रदान गर्ने गर्दछ। कुनै पनि भाईरसको अध्यन गर्नु भन्नुको अर्थ हुन्छ यिनै जीनहरुको क्रमता यसको बनौट र यसले प्रर्बाह गर्ने गुणको जानकारी। जब कुनै पनि भाईरसको जीनको पूर्ण रुपमा अध्यन गरिन्छ, तब यसको बिरुद्धको दबाई वा खोपको बिकास सम्भव हुन्छ। अझसम्ममा संसार भरी लगभग ५००० को सख्यामा भाईरसहरु पत्तालागेको बाताइएको छ तर अचम्म सयौको संख्यामा यसको बिकास भैराखेको छ। जब कुनै भाईरसको पूर्ण अध्यन गरिन्छ तब किन यसको बिरुद्ध प्रभावकारी दबाई वा खोपको बिकास गर्न सकिएको छैन? त्यसो त भाईरसको बिरुद्धमा खोपहरुको बिकास नभएको हैन तर केही समय पछि फेरी यो भाईरसको लागि काम नगर्ने हुन सक्छ। कुनै पनि भाईरस जिबित प्राणी वा बनस्पतीबिना रहन सक्दैन। यसको बिकास हुन र जिबित रहन यसलाई प्राणी वा बनस्पतीको शरीरमा रहन आबस्यक हुन्छ। प्राणीको शरीर बाहिर रहेकोबेला प्रोटिन वा बोसोले यसलाई केही समय सुरक्षा प्रदान गर्छ। मुख्य कुरा यो हो, जब कुनै पनि भाईरस जिबित प्राणी वा बनस्पतीको कोषमा रहन्छ यसले ती जिबित प्राणी वा बनस्पतिको कोषमा वा शरीरमा रहेको अन्य जिबाणुको जीनसँग मिसिएर नयाँ जीनहरुको श्रृङ्खला तयार गर्दछ,तब नयाँ जीनहरुको श्रङ्खलाले त्यो भाईरसले पुरानो नभई बिल्कुल नयाँ गुण लिनपुग्छ। अब यसरी बनेको नयाँ भाईरस बिल्कुल नयाँ र पहिलेको भन्दा पनि खतरनाक हुन पनि सक्छ। यसरी दिनानुदिन नयाँ प्रकारको,नयाँ गुण लिएर बिकासहुने भाईरसहरुको बनौट जटिल हुँदै जान्छ र त्यसको बिरुदमा बनाइएको खोप वा उपचारको सिमितता कायमा हुन पुग्छ। यस्तै भएको छ आहिले यो Swine फ्लुको कारक भाईरसको लागि पनि । Influenzavirus C (novel H1N1 strain )नाम दिएको यो भाईरस मानिसमा हुने इन्लुएन्जा, एबियन इन्फ्लुएन्जा र बङुरमा हुने दुई प्रकारको इन्फ्लुएन्जाबाट बनेको हो। मानिसमा हुने इन्फ्लुएन्जा र बङुरमा हुने इन्फ्लुएन्जा एक आपसमा सर्दैन भन्ने गरेको भए पनि यो नयाँ इन्फ्लुन्जा जो कोहीलाई पनि सर्ने बताइेको छ । जटिल रुपमा मिसिएर बनेकोले गर्दा यसको बनौटको अध्यन गरेर यसको बिरुद्धमा खोप बनाउन समय लगेको छ। बङुरहरु त यो नयाँ भाईरस बनाउनको लागि मिस्रणगर्ने भाडो मात्र हुन्। यसलाई "fits into the mixing vessel hypothesis," पनि भनिएको छ। हाल यो भाईरस पहिलो पटक कहाँ बिकास भयो थाहा हुन सकेको छैन तर मेक्सिकोबाट यो पहिलो पटक देखा परेको छ र यसको प्रकोप अन्य महादेशमा झै एशियामा पनि देखा परेको छ। साईन्स पत्रिकाको अनुसार कोरिया प्रायद्दिपमा यसको आशंकाले त झन बढी चिन्तानै थपेको छ। यदी यो रोग दक्षिण एशियासम्म आयो भने यसको प्रकोपको सिमा सोच्न नसकिने खालको हुने निस्चित प्राय छ। अझ बढी खतरा त यो भाईरसको फैलन सक्ने क्षमता र यसले मानब शरीर र जनवारको शरीरमा रहेको अन्य भाईरस वा जिबाणुहरुसँग मिसियर नयाँ प्रकारको गुण लिन सक्ने डरले बैज्ञानिकहरुलाई थप तनाब दिईरहेको छ। बैज्ञानिक जगतले यो भाईरसको अरु भाईरससँगको मिश्रणले हुनसक्ने खतराको लागि,यो भाईरस प्राकिर्तिकरुपमा मिसिनु भन्दा अगाडिनै पायोगशालामा,यसलाई अरु मानब वा जनावारको भाईरससँग मिसाएर अध्यन गरिनु पर्ने र भबिश्यमा यसले पार्न सक्ने हानीबाट बच्ने उपायको बारेमा एकमत हुन थालेका छन् । हाल सम्म प्रारम्भिक अबश्थाको बेला केही भाईरस बिरुदको औषधीले यसलाई काम गर्ने गरेको छ तर यदी बढीनै आक्रमण भएको अवस्थामा भने मृत्यु पनि हुन सक्ने हुँदा रोग लाग्नु भन्दा रोग लाग्न नदिनु नै प्रमुख उपाय हुन आउछ। यसको लागी, यदी भाईरसको सम्क्रमणको लक्षण जस्तै ज्वोरो आउनु , घाटी दुख्नु, शरीर दुख्नु, टाउको दुख्नु, खोकी लाग्नु, कहिले काही पखला लाग्नु र असजिलो अनुभब गर्नु आदि देखा परेमा डाक्टरको सल्लाह लिने, प्रचुरमात्रमा झोल कुरा खानु मास्क लगाएर हिंड्ने जस्ता कुरामा ध्यान दिनु पर्छ।

Thursday, July 16, 2009


O my Love's like a red, red rose That's newly sprung in June,O my Love's like the melody That's sweetly played in tune. As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in love am I,And I will love thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry: Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt WI' the sun; I will love thee still, my dear, While the sands o' life shall run. And fare thee wheel, my only Love,And fare thee wheel awhile! And I will come again, my Love, Tho' it ware ten thousand mile.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


A girl is nature's most wonderful creation. She can love like there is no tomorrow and hate like you wish you would die. She can be a protector, a healer a creator and a destroyer. For proposing a girl, certain things have to be kept in mind. It is a bit tricky but not impossible. We bring you some ideas for proposal to a girl. Following tips shall give you ideas of how to propose a girl. Do your homework. Get to know your girl well, before you pop the question. Get to know her interests, her dislikes, and her general nature that will help you plan your proposal in a better way. If she is shy and an introvert, propose when you two are alone. If she is sporty and loves adventure, then take her for rock climbing and propose when you reach the top. All girls love flowers. So get a huge bouquet of roses and tell her how much you love her and how much she means to you. Tell her you would like to spend the rest of your life with her or alone. Be ready to be smothered by a genuinely happy woman's hug! Appreciate her for what she is. Tell her "you look beautiful" when she does not have any make up on. Tell her she looks amazing when she is having a bad day and mean it. She will love you for it and will readily agree when you propose. Just don't overdo it, as it may look fake. Girls love to be pampered so when you intend to propose, make sure you are chivalrous enough to make her feel special and at the same time not look vulnerable. Women want a strong man, not a wimp. Don't force her to say yes. The worst you can do is to push her around and threaten her dignity. Tell her to take her time and that you shall wait. Be a gentleman and respect her. Incase she doesn't want a relationship, she will let you know of it then and there.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to know if a girl loves me

It can be a science all of its own to tell if a girl is interested in you are not. However, there are several signs that she may be telling you that she is ready for something more than friendship. The key to your success is to be aware of the signals. There is nothing worse than if a girl is trying to give you a signal and you do not pick up on it. This is a lost opportunity and she may think you are not interested. Here are four simple things to look out for. 1) She smiles at you, a lot. A smile is worth a thousand words, and when lots of them shine your way, this is a good sign that she is very happy around you. 2) She makes a lot of eye contact. Women tend to shy away from eye contact with men they are not comfortable with. If she if looking into your eyes a lot, she may be trying to read you and see if you too are interested in taking things to the next level. 3) She hugs you a lot. A woman who hugs a man a lot may be interested in getting more physical with him, but does not want to say so. Pay attention to how long and how she hugs you. If she hugs you more than a few seconds or strokes your hair or back, she is probably interested in more than friendship. 4) She licks her lips. This is a sure sign she wants you to kiss her. Look Guy's if you are serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to seriously work on solid techniques to achieve your goal. If you know what a girl is thinking it is far easier to approach her. If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links... You can learn this and a lot more. Learn what you NEED to know before approaching a woman Learn the Ten Commandments to Win Over a Woman I once heard a man say, "Men are easy. All a woman has to do to make us interested is show up." Well gentlemen, let me tell you it is not that easy with women. If you want a woman to show interest, you have to work at it. So, how do you tell if she is interested? It is really quite easy to tell. Women have this look about them when they are interested in you. It usually is a romantic sexy and I want you look. However, if the look is not as obvious, check out the body language. We generally say much more with our body than we ever can with words. There are three unequivocal, undeniable; emphatic ways a guy can tell the woman of his dreams is interested First - She looks at you with interest and then smiles. Women have this intense desire to actually see what a man has to offer. We do not just view the body as an object. When we are interested in a man, then and only then do we take in the entire package. We want to see the whole deal from head to toe. Therefore, if you see a woman take in the entire view, she likes what she see and wants to know more about the object of her eye. Second - Her walk changes. When we see a man we want to spend some time with, we begin to walk a little differently. Our body movements are more pronounced. You will actually see some twisting going on. Watch women as they look at men. If there is no interest, there will be no eye contact. However, if there is interest, the body movement becomes more flirtatious and eye contact is made. Third - The head tilts and a smile is revealed. A woman will make this final and most important move when she is interested. It is a combination move. When she is interested and wanting to get to know you better, the head will tilt and you will see a smile. Either the smile will be very sexy with desire shown or it will be very slight as if she is inviting you. Look Guy's if you are serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to seriously work on solid techniques to achieve your goal. If you know what a girl is thinking it is far easier to approach her. If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants.

Friday, July 3, 2009


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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Are you Healthy? : Nutrious Food

Carbohydrates: these provide a source of energy. Proteins: these provide a source of materials for growth and repair. Fats: these provide a source of energy and contain fat soluble vitamins.
Fiber: this is required to help your intestines function correctly; it is not digested.
Balanced Diets: we must have the above items in the correct proportions. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy. They contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. The first part of the name "carbo-" means that they contain Carbon. The second part of the name "-hydr-" means that they contain Hydrogen. The third part of the name "-ate-" means that they contain Oxygen. In all carbohydrates the ratio of Hydrogen atoms to Oxygen atoms is 2:1 just like water Proteins are required for growth and repair. Proteins contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and sometimes Sulphur. Proteins are very large molecules, so they cannot get directly into our blood; they must be turned into amino-acids by the digestive system. There are over 20 different amino-acids. Our bodies can turn the amino-acids back into protein. When our cells do this they have to put the amino-acids together in the correct order. There are many millions of possible combinations or sequences of amino-acids; it is our DNA which contains the information about how to make proteins. Our cells get their amino-acids from the blood Like carbohydrates, fats contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Fats are used as a source of energy: they are also stored beneath the skin helping to insulate us against the cold. Do not think that by avoiding fat in your diet you will stay thin and elegant! If you eat too much carbohydrate and protein, you will convert some of it into fat, so you will put on weight. You must balance the amount of energy containing foods with the amount of energy that you use when you take exercise. Vitamins are only required in very small quantities. There is no chemical similarity between these chemicals; the similarity between them is entirely biological.

Vitamins: these are required in very small quantities to keep you healthy. Mineral Salts: these are required for healthy teeth, bones, muscles etc.. 
Vitamin A: good for your eyes. Vitamin B: about 12 different chemicals.  
Vitamin C: needed for your body to repair itself.  
Vitamin D: can be made in your skin, needed for absorption of Calcium
Vitamin E: the nice one - reproduction? Fats Like carbohydrates, fats contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Fats are used as a source of energy: they are also stored beneath the skin helping to insulate us against the cold. Do not think that by avoiding fat in your diet you will stay thin and elegant! If you eat too much carbohydrate and protein, you will convert some of it into fat, so you will put on weight. You must balance the amount of energy containing foods with the amount of energy that you use when you take exercise. You must have some fat in your diet because it contains fat soluble vitamins
Mineral Salts These are also needed in small quantities, but we need more of these than we need of vitamins. Iron: required to make haemoglobin. Calcium: required for healthy teeth, bones and muscles.

Sodium: all cells need this, especially nerve cells. Iodine: used to make a hormone called thyroxin. Fibre We do not can not digest cellulose. This is a carbohydrate used by plants to make their cell walls. It is also called roughage. If you do not eat foods materials which contain fibre you might end up with problems of the colon and rectum. The muscles of you digestive system mix food with the digestive juices and push food along the intestines by peristalsis; if there is no fibre in your diet these movements cannot work properly. You must have carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals salts and fibre in the correct proportions. If there is not enough protein, you will not be able to grow properly and you will not be able to repair yourself i.e. wounds will not heal properly. If you do not have enough energy containing foods you will feel very tired, you will not have enough energy. If you have too much energy containing foods you will become overweight. If you think that you are overweight you might try taking more exercise to "burn off" some of the excess food which you ate at you last meal.


It is composed of the following members: The District Education Officer, The Chairman; District Commissioner, Vice-Chairman; All the Members of the District Scouts Executive Committee; All the Leader Trainers and the Assistant Leader Trainers (boys); All the Scouts Training Certificate Holders and Scouts Training Diploma Holders; A Member representing the District Sports Council; A Member representing the District Police Officer; A Member male r representing the Private Schools having Scout Units; A Member female representing the Private Schools having Scout Units; A Member male representing Public Schools of the district appointed by the District Chairman on recommendation of the Executive Committee; A Member female representing Public Schools of the district, appointed by the District Chairman on recommendation of the Executive Committee; A Member representing the Donors; A Member representing the Social Workers. The Scouts District Executive CommitteeIt is composed of the following members: The District Scout Commissioner, elected by active scouters of the District Scouts; District Organisation Commissioner; District Community development Commissioner; District Coordination Commissioner; The District Joint-Commissioner and District Coordination Commissioner are nominated by the District Education Officer on recommendation of the District Scouts Commissioner; The District Training Commissioners (one boy and one girl), elected by active scouters of the District Scouts The District Advisory Assembly Chief District Officer, Chairman; Local Development Officer, Member; District Forest Officer, Member; Chief Land Officer, Member; One Female and one Male from Principals who were members of Executive Committee and retired; Two Persons from the National Training Team; One Person from NGOs; One Person representing the District Development Committee; Chairman of Industry and Trade Association; Representative from Transportation Association; The District Coordination Commissioner will be the Member Secretary; The structure of a scout unitThe structure of a scout unit has three levels as follows: The Scout Unit’s Committee: It is chaired by the School principal when it is school-based or by one of the prominent sponsor when it is community-based. In case of a school-based scout unit, the Committee will be composed of 5 to 9 members comprising among others a representative of the parents, a representative of the teachers, all the scoutmasters related to the school and other persons interested. When the unit is community-based, its members are chosen among people who support scouting in the community. The Scout leader: he is the leader of the unit and coordinates its activities. The members: all the scouts who belong to the scout unit