Thursday, July 30, 2009

How To Be Intilligent 2

Look up a few current events every day. All you have to do is after checking your e-mails and such, go to a news website such as CNN and read a little bit of whats going on that interests you. After knowing what's going on in the world, tell a friend about something interesting you heard and include some facts in it as well. Before going to bed, read one page of something you find interesting in an encyclopedia. For example, if you like video games, find out a little bit more about how they are made and who the people are that make them. Say you are sitting down on a relaxing Sunday morning while your dad is making pancakes, you might skim through the newspaper and see what's going on... Play logic puzzles such as Sudoku or crosswords. I know if you're not a fan of these it can be hard, but 1 Sudoku puzzle a day would be perfect. Any time you have a question about something, research it. Many times things that you want to know, others want to know as well. So be the one to do the research, and you will be considered intelligent. Tips Don't try too hard, start with learning the background of what interests you. Increase your vocabulary! Although this might sound like a hassle, 2 new words a day will surprisingly help you a lot! If you have a Nintendo DS, buy an educational game such as Brain Age or Big Brain Academy to keep your mind working. Warnings Remember, do not turn away from intellectual interests in order to be more popular. Intelligence is much important than popularity, especially in the long run.

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