Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Be Popular in School

Consider that you may already be popular. Nobody--not even very popular people, like movie stars--is popular with everybody! Everybody has their favorites. Just because somebody doesn't like you, it doesn't mean you have to like them at all. Plan (maybe) to be popular--here's how to do it. Look around at everybody in your life and you may find you are already popular. Are you popular in your art class but not in phys ed? Are you popular with grown ups? If you find you are already popular with people who like you and people you like, perhaps you don't have to worry about being popular so much. Join a team. That's where you meet so many different people, and they'll probably like you a lot more. You would get to build basic teamwork with others, which will make them a lot more comfortable around you. Just try and be a good friend (even if certain people are "impossible"). Be happy. If you are unhappy with your appearance, it is always possible to change small things to make yourself feel better without investing a lot of money. Get a haircut if you hate your hair. Make changes carefully and make sure they are for you, not for other people. Don't take the advice of television on how to be popular, rather look and listen in real life! Try to exchange emails or cellphone numbers. This way, you can talk online making it easier to establish friendships. Be friendly. Many people are afraid of the same things you are, even the most confident people are afraid of some things inside, although they will never let it out. Being friendly to everybody shows that you are happy with yourself, and being happy with yourself is the fastest way to become popular. Tell people what you like about them. Everyone likes to be around someone who makes them feel good. If you're shy, just start a conversation by saying, "Oh, hey Megan, I like your bracelet!" Once you get going, say something about yourself to show that you can poke fun at yourself like, "I don't know how you could walk up in front of the whole assembly like that. I can hardly walk upstairs without falling back down!" Smile politely, and listen to what others have to say. Don't judge. Although it seems like the most popular people judge others all the time, popularity starts with acceptance and being interested in other people, not just in how they dress or who they hang out with. Don't be afraid to hang out with nerds, or anyone 'lower' than you. People will respect you and know you're a nice person. Get a hobby if you do not already have one. People who do things instead of worrying about popularity all the time are more interesting, and you will find people coming to you if you have a hobby to talk about. Do your best in school. Just answer questions if you know them, and don't if you don't know them! Don't be a know-it-all. Have your homework done every day. Don't be the one who has to just sit there looking like a fool or who holds up class with lame explanations. Be nice. No one wants to be friends with someone who is mean or ugly on the inside. Do something nobody else would ever think of doing. If your school has a talent show then do something so out of the ordinary that your peers will admire you for having the guts to do that on stage. Just remember that being different doesn't mean being inappropriate. You don't want to make a fool out of yourself and lose the respect of others. Remember, the easiest way to be popular is to stop caring. If you stop worrying about whether or not your popular, you will look way more laid back and cool. Don't be a meanie. That can really ruin your reputation if you let this go to your head. A lot a people will like you if you are nice. Being nice can get you to be popular too. Just help people out, and they will start liking you. Worshiping the popular people will take you no where in life. Don't wait on them hands and feet all the time. Give them some slack. Get to know people. You may like the same stuff they do. Don't be a snob because those people are not popular, they are bullies. Try to be nice to everyone. Wear some makeup but don't wear too much! No boy wants to see a girl with too much makeup on! Also, wear some earrings or bracelets. It is not necessary to wear the real ones. You can wear some fake ones but make sure they don't look too fake and nasty. No one wants to be seen much with them, so don't overdo it.

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