Sunday, September 20, 2009


Be well-groomed. Brush your teeth, floss, shower, wash your hair, and apply acne medicine (if you have a problem with your skin) daily. Don't wear your pants off your butt, often called "sagging", it's not that attractive to the majority of girls. This is essential if you are even going to approach an attractive girl. Wear clean, attractive clothes (if in doubt, get an older sister or close female friend to help you in this department). Don't wear skin tight clothes, but don't wear clothes that are too baggy. Have a great attitude. Be fun to hang around with, easy to laugh with, and be outgoing. Just don't be full of yourself. A girl may like a overly cocky guy at first, but eventually, she will find it selfish. Don't try to impress everyone - girls like humble guys. At the same time, a sense of humor is always a plus. Girls love it when guys can make them laugh. Show respect. If you respect everyone and give them their space, they'll all respect you. With girls, it works even better. If they see you respecting everyone, and not getting pushed around while you're at it, they will be reassured that you will treat them right. Be kind to all. Have good conversations. Don't talk about how you beat the King Black Dragon in Runescape... unless you know them well enough that you know they are at least semi-interested (otherwise, it's just a big jumble to her). Try to aim for you both to be speaking 50% of the time, but make sure that you are saying something worthwhile; it's not attractive when only one person talks endlessly. Another thing to watch for is her attention. If she isn't paying complete attention, do not repeat yourself several times. This makes girls feel you are desperate, and usually annoying. Show interest in her - let her talk. The #1 mistake when talking to a girl is focusing on yourself. Girls are way more comfortable when they talk about common interests. Ask about their interests, hobbies, favorite books, music, etc. but not in that stalker kind of way. If she asks you a question, answer it in a few, short sentences and then redirect the question back at her. This engages her in the conversation. When in doubt, compliment her. Even if a girl does not like you yet, complimenting her will make her feel good about herself and think positively about you. Try flirting! If you both make eye contact, do not be the one to look away, but do not stare for too long. When you both make eye contact, just give a slight smile. She may look away and she might blush a little. Be careful though; you don't want to stare her down. A good move is to look away, and if she likes you she will shoot you glances. Watch for that. And be courtious. Open doors. Give Gifts. Do kind things. Girls love that. Respect her friends and their ideas and opinions. Always speak highly of her and never talk trash about her. It will damage her reputation and yours and she'll possibly dump you. Of course, her friends are going to tell her that you trash talked her. Hopefully then it will work both ways - she will be tolerant of your friends. Be careful not to compliment her friends too much, however. Example: You may say "Your friends seem cool. We should hang out with them and my friends some time, I think they'd get along". You may not say "Sally is so hot. She has the nicest eyes". You may think getting her jealous is a good idea, but it just makes them angry. Have your friends be nice to her It's a fantastic thing when your friends don't make a total fool of you. Warn them ahead of time and avoid topics pertaining to embarrassing moments of your past or awkward jokes that make very little sense. Be polite to her parents. Be kind to everyone, especially them. Don't be too over-the-top charming with the parents, however, or they'll think that you have something to hide. Don't criticize her. Unless she asks for constructive criticism. And even then she probably wants you to compliment her. Be romantic, but not over the top. If you've been dating for a while you may attempt a grand romantic gesture (note: "A while"=a month MINIMUM) otherwise, you'll look like a stalker. It's also okay to be a little cheesy, like giving her a bouquet of roses and a loving poem. It may sound like a bad idea, but girls will find it thoughtful if it came from your heart Start talking to her casually. If you don't know her, make friendly conversation. Ask for the time, and/or compliment her watch. Do not play "hard to get". Sure, you'll get their attention for a day or two then after a while, the girl will end up frustrated or think that you hate her for whatever reason, and she'll think you don't find interest in her anymore. Or if she likes a guy who's like that, her friends might not like you because you're acting like a jerk (this happens way too much). Be careful with what you say. Remember, Hotty McHotterson is not your pal Lenny. Do not discuss bodily functions in her presence, or make jokes of a sexual nature unless she starts doing so. Also, don't discuss anything gross or raunchy. Don't talk about bathroom jokes or sexual jokes. She'll get grossed out, and anyway, you're going to find that pretty girls and gross things don't mix... at all. Hum a few bars of a song she likes around her. She might think of you whenever she hears that song. And she'll probably be impressed by your good taste in music. Some girls have actually dumped guys or stopped liking guys when they insulted the music they like. So, it's OK not to like her music, but don't be insulting her favorite singer/band! Try to agree with her as much as possible but not so over the top that she knows your not being yourself ("I know, they are the best band EVER!"). Make sure the song is not overtly feminine however. Start an inside joke with her! She will feel included and become closer to you. It also gives you an easy-to-come-up-with conversation starter. Try not to overuse it and kill the joke. End later meetings with a hug, or plans to meet some other time, if you can. Do not tell her that you "like her". Ask her out. If she rejects you, all is well. Example: You: "Betty, want to go to dinner on Saturday night?" Betty: "Sorry, I just think of you as a friend" You: "Oh, no offense. A bunch of us were talking about going, and I thought you might like to join us." Try to get her attentions to your plus and away from minus , but be original !!! Touch her occasionally, like on the shoulder or hand.(but be sure do not touch the sexual parts like vagina,boob or hips)! So how to really impress a girl? Seems like a tough question isn’t it? Well the true art of impressing girls lies in the simple fact that they are not impressed by anything which seems fake or unoriginal. Most guys tend to act or be like someone else just in order to impress girls but never succeed with it. The key here is to be an original as possible in order to impress your girl. Read on to find out some of the best tips on how to impress a girl and achieve desired results. Don't try to impress- Yes here it is the very big secret in front of you! The best way to impress a girl is not to impress her. Now you might be wondering how does this really work. Well when most guys try to impress girls they tend to become more unauthentic and try to show off with almost anything and everything. Girls are not impressed by such tactics and would end up putting you in the "Show off" category. The best way to impress a girl is to be yourself and let things happen automatically. Natural talent works- If you thought that girls are impressed by money and material things all the time than you are highly mistaken. If girls are impressed by your money than they are probably looking for money and not you. The best way to impress a girl and retain your status is by the way of natural talents which involve the way you talk and present yourself. You need girls to respect you for what you are and not what you possess. What do you have? - No girl would be impressed by you unless you have something which is different from the rest. Girls normally get hit on by several men everyday and almost all those men try to impress them with all they’ve got. If you are doing and following the same tactics as all those men than you would never succeed in your quest to impress girls. Show your true self while trying to impress a girl and try to be your best self. Don't talk to her with the quest to impress rather try to do what you normally do. One of the best aspects which almost every girl demands and gets impressed by is intellectuality. Try to develop your intellectual skills. This can be done by the way to reading books and being up to date with the latest happenings. Remember being a good talker is the foundation of impressing almost any girl. What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman’s mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say. They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know-

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