Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jazz Blues Chord Progression = Fun!

Hi There, If you have experience playing the traditional 12 bar blues format you'll make a nice transition to the jazz blues. It's a bit spicier and can get out of hand quickly with substitutions and chord extensions. That means - a lot of fun! In this lesson, we're gonna take a look at stepping out of the traditional blues just a bit by using dominant 9th's and 13th's. These are simply extensions of the dominant 7 chords and add a richer color to the sound, which will enhance your jazz playing. All these dominant chords function in the same manner, 9th's are richer and 13th's are even more rich in color. The spelling of a G9 is written below: G ..B ..D ..F ..A R ..3 ..5 ..7 ...9 Notice that the dominant 7 chord is still present. By adding the 9th, you create a dominant 9 chord. The 9th is the same as a 2nd an octave higher. Therefore, the 9th is always a whole step above the root an octave higher. The spelling of a G13 is written below: G .B .D .F .A .E R .3 .5 .7 .9 .13 Here, you start with the dominant 9 chord and add the 13th. Notice that you skip over the 11th here. The 13th is the same as a 6th above the root an octave higher. This is the formula for any dominant 9th or 13th chord. . Below are a few favorite voicings of dominant 9th and 13th's to help you with the jazz blues progression in this lesson. Have fun!! 12 Bar Jazz Blues ...G7 .....C9 ....G7 .........G13 .Db9 ..C9 ..G7.......... E --------3-------------7----5----4-----3---------10--- B -3------3-------3-----6----5----4-----3----3-----8--- G -4------3-------4-----7----4----4-----3----4----10--- D -3------2-------3-----5----3----3-----2----3-----9--- A --------3-----------------------4-----3-------------- E -3--------------3--------------------------3--------- ....D7 ..D13 ..C7 ...C13 ..G7 .......D9.... E -8----7-----6-----5-----3---------5--- B -7----5-----5-----3-----3----3----5--- G -7----5-----5-----3-----4----4----5--- D -7----4-----5-----2-----3----3----4--- A ----------------------------------5--- E -----------------------------3-------- This lesson was taken from Jazz Guitar Techniques. By taking the time to learn about the concept of jazz guitar you will find your appreciation for it will grow. At this point in your guitar playing jazz might sound like a jumbled up bunch of notes or perhaps you are a rocker who is a little bit curious about the world of jazz guitar. No problems.. with Jazz Guitar Techniques you will learn the secrets to jazz guitar like the great Louis Armstrong or Miles Davis.

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