Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Falling in love

Falling in loveBy Ben CerulloExcerpt from Ben Cerullo's new book – Proof of Love (chapter 5) The Christian life is not lived by studying what Jesus did and trying, in your own strength, to duplicate it. It's not a script to be read and acted out. It's real life – a complete life – a meaningful life – a worthy life. It's His life lived out through you. He becomes your life. He becomes your true love.There's no formula to having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but there are patterns and examples in the Bible that we can follow: Don't feel overwhelmed as you learn how to approach God. Just take it one step at a time – one day at a time. Focus on your relationship with Him today. The past is the past, and you can't change the mistakes you've made. But you can press into God, and He'll press into you. Don't look to the bigness of your needs or circumstances, but keep your eyes focused on the bigness of your God to lead, guide, and direct you.As you begin your relationship, it's imperative that you enter into God's presence through worship and prayer. Just like with earthly relationships, you must spend time together. It's the only way to know each other. The closer you draw to Jesus and learn His heart, the more beauty you'll see...and the deeper your love will grow. So if you hunger for an intimate, vital relationship with your Heavenly Father, begin to worship Him.What is worship? It's expressed in countless ways in many different church traditions and cultures. But God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-led worship always involves expressions of gratitude, awe, and devotion. When we worship with sincerity, we're expressing to God His enormous worth and value in our lives.Like the angels in heaven, all true worshipers say, "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power" (Revelation 4:11, NKJV). True worship not only recognizes the worthiness of God, it rejoices in it. Our worship should involve both our attitude and our action.

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