Saturday, August 29, 2009







Friday, August 28, 2009

how to stop global warming

Ways to Stop Global Warming: Owing to the overall rise in the temperature, the glaciers in the Antarctic region begin to melt which has increased the overall sea level. If this situation continues, many low lying areas will submerge in the near future. Global warming also increases the occurrences of hurricanes. There are many easy solutions to reduce global warming and its impact. First of all, people should understand the problem and take measures accordingly to save the world. People should reduce the usage of electrical appliances which emits green house gases. For e.g. the refrigerator releases chloro fluro carbon (CFC) and the incandescent light lamp emits 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. This can be replaced by a compact fluorescent light bulb which saves much energy. Follow RRR-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. People should not dump waste products in the ground. Plant products, food waste, vegetable dump undergoes anaerobic decomposition i.e. they break down to produce methane, a green house gas instead of oxygen. Hence the product usage and wastage should be reduced or recycled for a healthy atmosphere. Trees absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide. Many trees should be planted since they involve in photosynthesis, food preparation with the help of sunlight. During this process, trees absorb carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Also, existing forests should be saved and usage of plant byproducts shouldn’t be wasted. Usage of green power prevents 300 kg of carbon dioxide to be emitted into the atmosphere. The electricity obtained from the renewable resources like wind and water is called green power. The cost is also low in case of green power. Insulation of the ceiling of a house and power saving is the important factor to reduce global warming. The electric appliances should be switched off instead to hold it in stand by mode. This will save more power since stand by mode consumes 40% of the energy. People should use only energy efficient appliances. Thermostat should be used for air conditioners since it reduces the temperature automatically. Consumption of organic food should be increased because organic soil absorb large amount of carbon dioxide. Buying local food reduces the consumption of fuel. Cows emits large amount of methane due to their vegetarian diet. Hence meat consumption should be reduced. Also tetra packs should be used instead of tinned food. Periodic maintenance of the vehicles helps in efficient usage of fuel and reduces release of green house gases. Proper inflation of tyres should be done and fuel wastage should be avoided. Teach your neighborhood and friends about the cause and impacts of global warming and methods to reduce it. Conservation of forests also forms a factor to reduce global warming.Hence, individuals and government should be concerned about the environment and stop the incoming danger due to global warming.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Tune your guitar. This will not only help your playing sound better, but it'll also familiarize you with which string and fret guitars or guitar music is sold. A useful mnemonic to remember the string arrangement is "Evcombinations correspond with which notes. Consider buying a Tuner. There should be one anywhere ery Body Gets Dinner At Eight" (going from high E to low E) or "E"at "A"ll "D"ay "G"et "B"ig "E"asy (low to High). You should try to make up your own acronym, it will help you remember more easily. Learn how to read guitar tabs. Guitarists have their own system of music notation called guitar tablature, or "guitar tabs" for short. The basic idea is to look at the tab in the same way you look at your guitar; each line corresponds to a string, and each number tells you which fret to hold down when plucking that string. E---------------3-0-------------------- B-------------------3-0---------------- G---7-7-7---------------2-0------------ D-2-7-7-7-7-7-7------------------------ A-2-5-5-5-7-7-7------------------------ E-0-------5-5-5------------------------ On the first fret Place your fingers correctly on the frets. Right-handed players use their left hand for fretting and use their right hand for picking. The frets are the metal strips that run perpendicular to the strings. You actually press your finger down between the metal strips, not on them. For example, if you're playing the third fret, you place your finger on the string between the second and third metal strip. Hold the string down firmly so that it only vibrates between your finger and your strumming hand. Do not forget that you must play on your fingertips and not on the soft part of your finger. This requires cutting your nails to avoid scratching the fretboard. Place your finger as close to the fret as possible to create a good sound. C Major chord When you hold down multiple strings at once at different frets (to play chords), it can be a little tricky (especially if you have short, inflexible fingers). There are usually several different ways to position your fingers for the same chord, so research them and experiment to find which one feels most comfortable for you. Keep in mind that every time you move from one fret to another, the resulting pitch will be half a step higher or lower (i.e. "sharp" or "flat"). This is important for if you want to eventually Some people find that placing the thumb in the middle of the back of the neck, not coming over the top, leads to better finger placement because it allows better reach and strength of the fingers on the frets. Ultimately, however, do what feels best for you. The most important thing is to achieve a clean sound for each open chord when you are practicing. After you had placed all your fingers on the fretboard, play through each of the strings of the chords. Make sure that the strings that are supposed to ring all not muffled or muted. If the notes are not ringing out properly, find out why. Chances are that you are not pressing hard enough or parts of your fingers are touching that string which prevents it from sounding out clearly. Are any unused fingers touching strings? Strum with your other hand. This can be the most difficult part to learn without having a teacher demonstrate. Strumming consists of downstrokes and upstrokes in various combinations. Count every beat and off-beat as "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and..." (every "and" is an offbeat). Each beat and offbeat can be an upstroke, downstroke, or no stroke. No matter which direction you use, make an effort to sweep across all of the strings with even pressure and steady speed. You don't want to strum some strings a little harder than others, or start off fast then slow down as you get to the last few strings. The motion should come mostly from the wrist, not the forearm. You can do this with a pick or with your fingertips. There are various kinds of picks you can use, but beginners are usually advised to start with a thin pick, held between the thumb and the side of the index finger. Keep your arm going in a constant up-and-down motion, sticking with a rhythm whether or not you're actually strumming. This motion functions as a metronome for beginners. As you get better at strumming, you can tap your foot, bob your head, or jerk your knee like Elvis instead. Practice chords. A chord is a group of notes that sound good together. The reason they sound good together lies in music theory, but for now, learning how to play a few key chords will suffice. Practice until you can move comfortably between them without losing your rhythm. The most commonly used chords in Western music are the major chords, which can be remembered with the word "CAGED". Click on any of the following links for specific instructions on how to play each chord: C Major A Major G Major E Major D Major Learn to play some songs. Start off with easier songs - ones with fewer chords in simpler arrangements. Listen to the song being played properly with guitar so you know what kind of sound and rhythm to aim for. Start off slow and speed up gradually, singing along (if applicable) to stick with the rhythm. As you master easier songs, move on to more complex pieces. Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd is an example of an easier song to start with. It's basically a repetition of the same three chords in the following order: D, C, G, D, C, G, D, C, G.

Monday, August 24, 2009

matthew 6:25

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]? 28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

psalm 51

1 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. 2 Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. 4 Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge. 5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. 6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts [a] ; you teach [b] me wisdom in the inmost place. 7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. 8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. 9 Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. 10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you. 14 Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the God who saves me, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. 15 O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. 16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. 17 The sacrifices of God are [c] a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. 18 In your good pleasure make Zion prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. 19 Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight you; then bulls will be offered on your altar

Saturday, August 22, 2009


The following ingredients will make about 18 four-inch pancakes (more or fewer, depending on the size). You may change the amounts of ingredients according to the amount of which you wish to serve. 2 cups self-rising or all-purpose flour 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups of milk 10 medium blueberries (blueberry pancakes) 12 chocolate chips (for chocolate chip pancakes) 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons of vanilla (optional) Steps Crack eggs into a bowl and beat until fluffy. Add in the dry ingredients, and milk. Melt butter and add to mix. Stir gently, leaving some small clumps of dry ingredients in the batter. Do not blend until completely smooth. Your pancakes will be tough and flat as opposed to fluffy if the batter is smooth. Heat your frying pan to a medium low flame. If you have an initial "pancake" setting on your stove, use that. Be sure to use non-stick spray, or a pat of butter so the pancakes won't stick. Sprinkle a few flecks of water onto your pan. If it 'dances', or jumps from the pan with a sizzle, the pan is ready for the batter. Pour about 3 tablespoons to 1/4 cup batter from the tip of large spoon or from a pitcher onto the hot griddle(Or your greased frying pan). The amount you pour will decide the final size of your pancakes. It is best to begin with less batter, and then slowly pour more batter onto the pan to increase the pancake size. Cook for about two minutes or until the pancake is golden. You should see bubbles form and then pop around the edges. When the bubbles at the edge of the batter pop and a hole is left that does not immediately close up, flip the cake gently. Cook the other side until golden and remove. Want a deeper color? Repeat the steps for another thirty seconds per side until the pancake is done enough for your tastes. Enjoy! Try adding butter, peanut butter, syrup, jelly, or fruit to your pancakes for a different, more exciting flavor. The varieties are endless.These are the most delectible pancakes you will ever taste. Trust me, I've tasted them!!its delicious that you wouldnt believe.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Mosquito Trap

In the far-off north of Queensland, a nostalgic, might-have-been’s landThere’s a wild ferocious creature roams the sultry tropic nightMaking frequent depredation on each lonely outback stationAnd creating consternation by the fierceness of its bite. Round the swamps in late December it can easily dismemberAny tourist that is fool enough to stumble in its wayAnd it’s not a crocogitter or the fabled bunyip critterBut the true Queensland moskeeter that you have to keep at bay. When the cattle hear it coming with a sort of distant hummingThey rush down to the river and they roll themselves in mud;Through a rubber boot or blucher will the creature persecute yaIt will ruin your flamin’ future if it gets to suck your blood. Now, one night when we were goin’ through the jungle east of CoenWe pitched our tent at twilight on a little grassy flat;It was supper I was getting as the sun was quickly settingAnd my wife put up the netting... for you must remember that. I was writing at the table (just as well I was able,For the page was damp and soggy and the pen was losing ink)When my love discerned a bitee buzzing around her shortee nighteeAnd she thought in ghastly fright he might be looking for a drink. Well, a trap to catch an otter her friend Gwen in Mudgee got her...It was lying near the pillow, so she quickly set the teeth,Latched the bar across to crank it, then she folded down the blanketAnd with tender touch she sank it in the bedclothes underneath.Let’s forget about the mozzie... he was just a dream (or was he?Is he up there in the ceiling laughing off his rotten head?)But just focus on the writer who’s a horny sort of blighterAnd who shortly thought he mighter liked a snuggle-up in bed! His passion made him bolder, so he taps a sleeping shoulderAnd he moves a little closer lest his chances should escapeWhen there comes a crash like thunder and a crunching sound down under,And his screams created wonder from the Fitzroy to the Cape! The last pages of his journal fill with agony eternalAnd his dictionary is plundered for superlatives of painNot of bruising or of swelling, or the leap from bed he’s telling,But the hot tears slowly welling... when that trap ran out of chain! Written by Charlee Marshall

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Exercise for the Body and the Brain Physical Activity can be helpful for maintaining a healthy body weight and body composition. Being physically active helps in lowering one’s risk for cardiovascular diseases, improves risks of diabetes, improves mood and lowers one’s risk for depression. Being active also includes involving others whether a human or an animal companion on your walks. The brain also needs to be kept active. Keeping the brain active involves using the brain daily by solving crossword puzzles or math equations, reading, writing, imagining and creating. Volunteering and being socially active is also a good way to keep the brain energized and active. Healthy Foods Focus on eating a variety of healthy foods. "Healthy Foods" include eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, cereals, breads and other grain products and legumes (beans). With dairy and meats the emphasis is on choosing lower-fat milk products, leaner meats and foods prepared with little or no fat. In addition limit the intake of salt, alcohol and caffeine. Enough Sleep Sleep is important for people of all ages. Getting enough sleep has been shown to increase one's ability to fight off diseases, improve your cardiovascular health and improve mood. Sleep can also help with improving one's ability to concentrate, learning and memory in addition to reducing irritability and impatience. The average amount of sleep needed by people is 8 hours a night but many people can do well on 6 hours, where others need as much as 10. The absolute amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. Perhaps the best thing for many people about getting enough sleep is having more energy to do what they like to do. Aging Healthfully Aging healthfully includes, among others, finding ways to reduce and manage stress, being physically active, getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, making good lifestyle choices, staying socially active, watching for changes and nurturing the spirit as well as the mind. Lifestyle Choices Since 70 – 80 % of longevity depends on lifestyle choices, it is important to emphasize the good lifestyle choices and de-emphasize the poor ones. Good lifestyle choices include eating healthy food, participating in daily physical and mental activity, getting enough sleep and minimizing stress. Poor lifestyle choices to de-emphasize include limiting or reducing high fat foods, limiting the number of empty calories – those from sugar, fat and alcohol, quit smoking and using tobacco and limiting the amount of inactivity. Time to Unwind Stress can impact a person over a lifetime. Whether the stress comes from the environment or personal sources all forms cause a stress response in the body, which over time drains the body reserves making the person more susceptible to illness and disease. Taking the time to unwind and reducing, removing and de-stressing helps lessen the negative impact on the body and improves overall health and well being. Health Checks Yearly routine exams are an important part of monitoring for potential diseases. Getting blood pressure checked, cholesterol and lipids screenings, being evaluated for risks of osteoporosis and getting basic cancer screenings (mammogram, colonoscopy and prostate exams) can to help a person “BE HEALTHY.” In addition, it is important to watch for any changes and signs of disease and seek prompt treatment if something arises. Youthful Thoughts Author Ellen Glasgow once noted "Though it sounds absurd, it is true to say I felt younger at sixty than I felt at twenty." There is a lot of truth in the expression, "You're as young as you feel" so to feel young, remember to think young thoughts. Final Thoughts Remember that following these simple tips, making daily healthy food and lifestyle changes over a lifetime can greatly improve a person’s longevity* or your total years of life lived and also the quality of living. To Stay Healthy as you age, you have to BE HEALTHY for life.

Monday, August 10, 2009

how to make pizza in home

There is a specific order of assembly: Sauce, Cheese, Toppings, Cheese, Garnish.Or:Oil, Cheese, Toppings, Cheese, Oil, Garnish. Two or three tablespoons of sauce are all you need for a small pizza. Spread it on with a large spoon. Apply oil to the dough with a pastry brush and drizzle a little more on the top of the pizza, if desired. (Watch out for chili oil, it's hot.) Apply half the cheese over the sauce or oil, and half on top. Apply garnishes, if any, after the pizza is cooked. Perfect Pizza Rule #2: Spread sauce, oil and toppings only within the rim of the crust. Never cover your pizza dough clear to the edge; it's just not done in polite circles. Perfect Pizza Rule #3: All ingredients on your pizza should finish cooking at the same time. If need be, pre-cook toppings that take longer to cook, like bell peppers. Likewise, pre-cook foods that tend to get watery, like eggplant and thick-sliced mushrooms, unless you want pizza soup. Perfect Pizza Rule #4: Cool all cooked ingredients before applying them to the dough. Hot toppings on pizza dough will ruin the dough. Again, pizza soup. Perfect Pizza Rule #5: Less is more. Avoid putting 'some of everything' on your pizza. As a rule, use only 2 or 3 well-chosen toppings. There are always exceptions, though. Perfect Pizza Rule #6: Bake your pizzas in a very hot oven. A 500° oven is perfect. A lower temperature is OK if your oven doesn't go that high; just cook it a little longer. Crisp, restaurant-quality pizza calls for cooking it on a pizza stone. A pizza stone and peel set is recommended.

what vitamins for what

Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)-Necessary for the growth and repair of body tissue. Helps maintain the skin, protects against air pollutants and infections, and reduces the risk of lung cancer and certain oral cancers. Deficiency symptoms include night blindness, dry skin, loss of smell and appetite, frequent fatigue. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil, carrots, liver, dark green and yellow vegetables, eggs, milk and dairy products, and yellow fruit. Vitamin B-1 (Thiamin)-Promotes growth, aids digestion of carbohydrates, keeps nervous system, heart and muscles functioning properly, stabilizes the appetite. Deficiency symptoms include loss of appetite, weakness, nervous irritability, insomnia, loss of weight, aches and pains, mental depression, heart and gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin B-1 is found in brewer's yeast, rice husks, unrefined cereal grains, whole wheat, oatmeal, peanuts, organic meats, lean pork, most vegetables, bran and milk. Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)-Necessary for carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, aids in the formation or antibodies and red blood cells, maintains good vision, skin, nails and hair, promotes general health. Deficiency symptoms include itching and burning eyes, cracks and sores in the mouth and lips, bloodshot eyes, dermatitis, retarded growth, digestive problems, trembling, oily skin. Vitamin B-2 is found in milk, liver, kidney, yeast, cheese, leafy green vegetables, fish and eggs. Vitamin B-3 (Niacinamide)-Improves circulation, reduces cholesterol, maintains the nervous system, helps metabolize protein, sugar and fat, reduces high blood pressure, helps maintain healthy skin. Deficiency symptoms include nervousness, headaches, fatigue, mental depression, irritability, loss of appetite, insomnia, skin disorders, indigestion, and bad breath. Vitamin B-3 can be found in liver, lean meat, whole wheat products, brewer's yeast, kidney, wheat germ, fish, eggs, roasted peanuts, white poultry meat, avocados, dates, figs and prunes. Vitamin B-6 (Pyroxine)-Necessary for the synthesis and breakdown of amino acids, aids in the formation of antibodies, maintains the central nervous system, promotes healthy skin, reduces muscle spasms, leg cramps and nausea. Deficiency symptoms include nervousness, insomnia, skin eruptions, anemia, mouth disorders, muscular weakness, and loss of hair. Vitamin B-6 is found in wheat bran, wheat germ, liver, kidney, soybeans, cantaloupe, cabbage, eggs, oats, peanuts and walnuts. Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin)-Helps regenerate red blood cells, necessary for carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, maintains healthy nervous system, increases energy, needed for calcium absorption. Deficiency symptoms include poor appetite, tiredness, brain damage, nervousness, degeneration of spinal cord, depression, lack of balance. Vitamin B-12 is found in liver, beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese, and kidney. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)-Essential for healthy gums, teeth and bones, helps heal wounds and fractures, prevents scurvy, builds resistance to infection, aids in the prevention and treatment of common cold, aids iron absorption, prevents the conversion of nitrates into cancer-causing substances. Deficiency symptoms include soft and bleeding gums, swollen or painful joints, slow-healing wounds, bruising, nosebleeds, tooth decay, loss of appetite, muscular weakness, anemia, impaired digestion. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, green and leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes and peppers. Vitamin D-Improves absorption of calcium and phosphorous, required for bone and teeth formation, maintains stable nervous system and normal heart action. Deficiency symptoms include rickets, tooth decay, improper healing of fractures, lack of vigor, muscular weakness. Vitamin D is found in fish liver oils, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, milk and dairy products. Vitamin E-Major anti-oxidant nutrient, retards cellular aging, supplies oxygen to the blood, strengthens capillary walls, prevents and dissolves blood clots, helps prevent sterility and heart conditions. Deficiency symptoms include rupture of red blood cells, loss of reproductive powers, lack of sexual vitality, abnormal fat deposits in muscles, dry skin. Vitamin E is found in wheat germ, soybeans, vegetable oil, nuts, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, spinach, enriched flour, whole wheat, whole grain cereals, and eggs. Other important vitamins and minerals include pantothenic acid, biotin, folk acid, inositol, choline, PABA (para amino benzoic acid), calcium, iron, zinc, and copper. The bottom line on vitamins: if you eat the proper foods, and plenty of them, you'll have all the vitamins your body needs.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Electronic Tattoo Runs on Blood Power

This wireless blood-fueled display is a subcutaneously implanted touch-screen that operates as a cell phone display, with the potential for 3G video calls that are visible just underneath the skin.The 2x4-inch "Digital Tattoo Interface" is a Bluetooth device made of silicon and silicone. It is inserted through a small incision as a tightly rolled tube, and then it unfurls beneath the skin to align between skin and muscle. Through the same incision, two small tubes on the device are attached to an artery and a vein to allow the blood to flow to a coin-sized blood fuel cell that converts glucose and oxygen to electricity. After blood flows in from the artery to the fuel cell, it flows out again through the vein.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

psalm 1

1Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. 4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. 5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.


You are my best friend, My very best friend, You make me happy, Everyday, You share your great snacks, You share your best toys, So please don't take My best friend away.

My Best Friend Today I found a friend, Who knew everything I felt. She knew my every weakness, And the problems I've been dealt.

She understood my wonders, And listened to my dreams. She listened to how I felt about life and love, And knew what it all means.

Not once did she interrupt me, Or tell me I was wrong. She understood what I was going through, And promised she'd stay long

I reached out to this friend To show her that i care To pull her close and let her know How much I need her there

I went to hold her hand To pull her a bit nearer And realized that this perfect friend I found Was nothing but my mirror.